SGS in the Netherlands is AEO accredited. SGS offers a full brokerage service which includes export, import, transit declarations and automation solution. SGS as Holder of the Procedure and Authorised Consignor offers transit from authorized locations as well as the main terminal hubs located within Rotterdam port. We are also connected to PortBase.
SGS in Belgium is AEO accredited. SGS offers a full brokerage service which includes export, import, transit declarations and automation. SGS as Holder of the Procedure and Authorised Consignor offers transit from authorized locations as well as the main terminal hubs located within Zeebrugge and Antwerp ports.
United Kingdom
SGS offers a full customs brokerage service in the UK which includes export, import, transit declarations and automation via SGS’s eGTA customs software solution. SGS as Holder of the Procedure and Authorised Consignor offers transit from numerous authorized locations. Export data is automatically reused to generate a Transit. On client’s request, we can affix our customs approved seals for Transit starting from our logistics hub of Ashford or specific client’s location. We also cover IPAFFS, GVMS, French and Irish ENS and CHED requirements.
SGS as Holder of the Procedure and Authorised Consignor in Ireland offers transit with all security data requirements under simplified procedure from customs offices including Dublin and Rosslare ports. Transits submitted from Ireland and France via the UK land bridge also cover GVMS and ENS requirements. Irish Export Declarations – standalone or combined with transits are available through TransitNet. CHED services are also available.
In France, SGS offers a complex transit solution. Acting as Holder of the Procedure and Authorised Consignor, SGS offers transit under the simplified procedure from important locations such as Sète in the south of France and in Calais to support the Brexit business. SGS has established its own support office in Sète which provides a complete range of customs services including Export and Import.
SGS can offer companies a complete customs brokerage service including export, import and transit. SGS is an approved Authorised Consignor in Germany which means transits can be started under the simplified procedure from authorized locations including the application of customs approved seals. Transits can also be started from the main logistics ports of Hamburg and Bremerhaven.
SGS in Spain is AEO accredited. SGS offers a unique transit solution which meets the needs of Spanish customs including the application of customs approved SGS seals to all trucks which travel under SGS transit. This also includes the ability to open transits from the logistics hubs of La Jonquera and Algeciras.
SGS in Poland are AEO accredited. SGS offers an integrated export and transit service in which SGS as an approved Authorised Consignor can open transit declarations from authorized locations under the simplified procedure. SGS provides a comprehensive 24/7 service for block trains transporting Chinese goods to the main rail hubs in the EU. SGS also has a support office in Woskrzenice, strategically located on the main road close to the border of Belarus which supports companies transiting from the EU into Customs Union (Belarus, Russia Kazahstan) – EPI and Certificates.
SGS from Switzerland offer a complete outbound customs solution which includes transit and export declarations and the reuse of export MRNs. Companies can avail of SGS’s transit solution as well as the package of an export declaration and a transit declaration. Export and transit declarations can be open from locations throughout Switzerland including Basel, Kreuzlingen and Geneva (Vallard).
SGS offers companies a complex transit service from restricted location. Through cooperation with approved SGS partners, companies can start transit declarations under the “Electronic Folder” (EF procedure) from the main ports and logistic hubs of Italy including Trieste, Fernetti and Ancona.
SGS in Belarus offers companies a unique customs solution which gives companies access to the Euro Asian Economic Union (EAEU). SGS provides a customs service in Belarus which includes providing EPI service along with SGS guarantee (certificates) from all the major entry points of Belarus. SGS offers EAEU clients a full T1 transit service for destinations throughout the EU.
SGS in Lithuania offers transit declarations from all the main border crossing points including the border crossing points of Medininkų and Šalčininkai from Belarus as well as transit declarations from important locations including Vilnius, Kaunas and the border of Kaliningrad from Panemunės.
SGS in Latvia offers transit declarations from all the main border crossing points including the border crossing points of Luhamaa and Grebņeva from Russia as well as transit declarations from important locations including Riga and the port of Riga.
SGS from Estonia offers transit declarations from all the main border crossing points including the border crossing points of Terehova and Narva from Russia as well as transit declarations from important locations throughout Estonia including Tallinn.
SGS offers companies transit solution from the main locations such as the city of Ljubljana Through cooperation with approved SGS partners, transit declarations can be started from the Port of Koper for goods travelling by road or rail.
SGS offers full transit service on the Croatian territory including from Rijeka port. We have a support office operating 24/7 in Ježevo located just after Zagreb on the main highway to Serbia and Turkey . Transit declarations can be created and started from this office or other important logistic hubs including the port of Rijeka and the border crossing area of Batrovci into and out of Serbia.
SGS from Slovakia offers transit declarations from all the main border crossing points including the border crossing points of Vyšné Nemecké and Ubl’a from the Ukraine as well as transit declarations from important locations throughout Slovakia including Bratislava.
SGS from Hungary offers companies a transit solution throughout Hungary including the main logistics hub of Trimex offering companies a transit service for rail and road movements. Transit is also possible from the important Hungarian border points of Beregsurányi Határátkelőhely, Tiszabecsi Határátkelőhely and Záhony from the Ukraine as well as from Röszke and Tompa from Serbia.
SGS from Serbia offers companies a full transit solution throughout Serbia including from important border locations such as Horgoš at the border with Hungary, from Batrovci at the border with Croatia and from Vatin at the border with Romania. Transit is also possible from all major cities including Belgrade.
Macedonia (North)
SGS from Macedonia offers a transit solution from all the major exit points of Macedonia including Tabanovce at the border of Serbia, Delchevo at the border of Bulgaria and Bogorodica located at the border of Greece. Transit is also possible from locations such as Skopje and Kumanovo.
SGS in Moldova has a brokerage license and offers companies a transit solution throughout the country including from Albita border to destinations such as Kishinev or as a transit on the way to Ukraine and the Euro Asian Economic Union (EAEU).
SGS from Greece with the help of partners, offers companies a transit solution starting from locations including Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Kilkis, Kipon and several other locations on route to Turkey and through the Balkans.
SGS offers full transit services. We also have a support office operating 24/7 located close to the border between Bulgaria and Turkey in Svilengrad. This office supports SGS clients who are crossing the border to and from Turkey. SGS offers transit from all important locations throughout Bulgaria including Svilengrad and the major ports of Bourgas and Varna.
SGS from Romania offers companies a transit solution throughout the country including from Siret, Constanta, Brasov and the main border crossing point from the Ukraine and Moldova. We also have an office on the Moldovan border operating 24/7 in Albita. Transit is also possible from Moravița on the border with Serbia as well as from important inland locations such as Bucharest. SGS also have authorised consignor status from certain locations.
From Turkey, SGS offers companies a complex transit service throughout the country including from the major logistic points of Muratbey and Erenköy in Istanbul. Transit is also possible from the major entry ports of Pendik, Yalova, Mersin and Çeşme. We have an integration with DFDS and Ulusoy lines ensuring a full compliance with security requirements for goods entering EU ports. We also provide UETDS declarations.
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Lorem ipsum doler ismet saleh. Lorem ipsum doler ismet saleh.
SGS in Ukraine offers a full transit service with transits possible from all internal Ukraine customs offices. For trucks entering the EU from Ukraine, it is also possible to open transit declarations at any EU entry border crossing point.
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