The European Commission has adopted a package of infringement decisions due to Member States failing to communicate measures taken to transpose EU directives into national law. Formal notices have been sent to Member States that have not reported national measures transposing directives whose transposition deadlines have recently expired.
A total of 26 Member States, including Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Sweden, have not yet fully transposed two EU directives in the fields of climate and defence. These Member States now have two months to respond and complete the transposition, or the Commission may decide to issue a reasoned opinion.
Strengthening the EU Emissions Trading System
The European Commission has opened an infringement procedure by sending formal notices to 26 Member States for failing to fully transpose the revised EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) Directive into national law. This directive introduces a new emissions trading system (ETS2) to extend carbon pricing to new sectors, such as fuel combustion in buildings, road transport, and small industries. Member States had until June 30, 2024, to transpose this directive but have not done so fully.
Defence-Related Products
Additionally, the Commission has decided to send formal notices to Denmark, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Finland for failing to transpose Directive (EU) 2024/242 concerning the list of defence-related products into their national legislation. This directive amends the Transfers Directive (2009/43/EC) and updates the list of defence-related products. The concerned countries had until May 31, 2024, to transpose this directive but have not yet done so.