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We support governments, government agencies and the private sector on trade facilitation, reducing complexity in global supply chains, securing duties and taxes, and verifying the compliance of products with regulations.

Our portfolio of innovative services for governments, international institutions and partner organizations across the public and private sectors covers a variety of verification and technology based solutions.
Our Trade Facilitation Services support governments, government agencies and the private sector on trade facilitation, reducing complexity in global supply chains, securing duties and taxes, and verifying the compliance of products with regulations. The service includes export declarations, transit declarations, import declarations in Great Britain as well as being able to provide GVMS and GB ENS service. With our partners in France SGS can Open and Close Transits in Calais and also support our clients through our Landbridge package with POAO goods requiring CHEDs into France.
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Our modern software is available either as cloud based Software as a Solution or as an On-Premise installation.

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Chambers of Commerce across the UK and Canada use our software to deliver fast online certified documents for exporters.

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Get fast and accurate declarations to HMRC for CDS (import and export declarations), EMCS for excise movements and a wide range of printed documentation.


Our team will manage the delivery of your software and make sure your expectations are exceeded, including dedicated systems and customs training for your organisation.

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We’ve specialised in international trade software for over 30 years and offer some of the most up to date solutions in the market.

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All of our products and services have the full support of our in-house, UK based help desk.

Our team

We are a team of customs experts who are here to assist you with all your transit, customs brokerage and customs software needs and requirements. Our team is readily available to help with any query you may have.

Adam Underwood

Operations Manager

Ian James

Business Development Manager

Lai Yee Tan

PCA Manager

SGS United Kingdom Ltd

Harvest Court, Park Road,
Shepton Mallet, United Kingdom
t: +44(0)1749 345007

Why choose SGS?

The world of customs services can be complicated and frustrating. SGS’s eā€“Customs expertise and coverage is very practical, serving a range of large and small clients, which includes transporters, forwarders, exporters and importers. SGS e-Customs takes the complexity and the frustration away from their clients, offering them a single window system to complete customs procedures.

Import / Export solutions for your business

SGS are specialists in the export document business. We can help you use your business system (ERP) data to create export documents and comply with other exporting or importing regulations.
Create export documents such as DGN, SSN, and Export Invoice, make electronic submissions to online services such as CDS electronic Customs Clearance, CFSP Imports, EMCS, ICS, Certificates of Origin, EUR1, ATA Carnet and more.

Software development projects

Our team are experts in software engineering and use the latest technologies to produce feature rich software which can be delivered via the internet or installed locally.

Offering first class support

We understand that no software can deliver if it isn't backed up with the support of a first class help desk that can resolve any problems quickly.
We offer multiple mediums for support, so no matter where you are you can contact us and rely on us to keep you on the right track with your business software.

Export Software


eCert - Certified Documents

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eGTA - Enterprise Documents & Customs

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eConsign - PAYG Documents & Customs

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Around 1 million operations are started via TransitNet each year from 25 countries, including 23 countries using NCTS (New Computerized Transit System). TransitNet also offers export services from Switzerland and Ireland. SGSā€™s brokerage services are currently available in the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium.
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SGS e-Customs references

Our Customers


Whether your international trade department is big or small, our software offers a scale-able solution that fits your requirements. Choose the modules you need from Customs Management, Export Documents, Certified Documents and more.

Contact information

For all enquiries, please e-mail us using the formĀ below.

SGS United Kingdom Ltd
Harvest Court, Park Road,
Shepton Mallet,
United Kingdom

t: +44(0)1749 345007
e: ukenquiries@sgs.com

Contact us

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