If you ship goods in duty suspension in the EU, you must use EMCS, the EU electronic control system to manage your movements.
Alcohol, energy and tobacco products can all be moved in duty suspension, but you must submit shipment details to Customs online before moving the goods. You must also acknowledge receipt of goods received by you in duty suspension.
Our EMCS Online service is a simple way to manage these shipments, offering an alternative to keying data into the HMRC web site to make EMCS submissions to Customs.
i2i Customer Quote “i2i’s EMCS system is a million times better than the Customs portal”
Manual Entry or Linked to your Business System
- Manage Arrivals and Dispatches moved in duty suspension
- Store and manage submissions to reduce data keying
- Pre-validate traders using SEED
- Validate data before submission
- Complete set of FSO, FS1 and FS2 message types – successfully tested by HMRC
- Print e-AD after acceptance of submission
- Fall back documents to keep your goods moving if HMRC system is not available
- Fallback reconciliation process
- Reports for both Arrivals and Dispatches
Our EMCS Online software has been recognised by HMRC and is compliant with the latest regulations.
From 1st January 2013 Fuel Additive products which fall under commodity code 3811 must be managed using EMCS if they are shipped in duty suspension.
EMCS (Excise Movement and Control System) is mandatory throughout the EU for all Companies who deal in the transportation of cargo subject to excise duty. SGS’s EMCS Online manages all EMCS requirements, whether you need make a few submissions each month, or are a 24/7/365 organisation who needs to be in control of your submissions at any time, even when the office is closed.
Key benefits:
- Reduce data keying
- Manage all your EMCS submissions – Arrivals and Dispatches
- Handles all EMCS message types
- Can interface with your business system
- Comprehensive reporting functionality