Apollo Fire Detectors manufacture industrial fire detectors which are shipped to 80 countries worldwide at the rate of 300 – 400 shipments each month.
Having used SGS (i2i) software for export documentation since 1998, first the DOS based system and later GTA Connect, the Windows based desk top solution, it was a natural progression to move on to GTA Net, the latest browser based software from SGS.

BenRiach manage their scotch whiskey exports using eGTA On-Demand interfaced with their TROPOS business system. BenRiach make full use of the interface and messaging services which GTA offers them to avoid the need to re-key data multiple times.
In addition to producing their export documents, the BenRiach subscription to GTA allows them to manage their EMCS submissions required to ship their goods in duty suspension. BenRiach use the NES module to obtain customs clearance for goods leaving the EU. BenRiach also send data to eCert to obtain their Certificates of Origin.

Bentley distribute parts and accessories to their dealer network worldwide. To meet the delivery standards expected of the business, export shipments are sent by road, sea and air.
SGS has been working in partnership with Bentley since 1990 to provide export documentation software solutions which meet the exacting demands of the Bentley business. In 2008 Bentley went live with their 3rd generation of SGS product and have been using their bespoke product ever since.

Britvic Soft Drinks
Britvic sell billions of litres of soft drinks in hundreds of different flavours, shapes and sizes and delivers to over 4,000 customers with 200,000 points of distribution. SAP is used to manage the business and the eGTA On-Demand service handles the creation and distribution of export documents. The Customer Service Manager at Britvic commented that “GTA is very fast and really good value for money”.

Schneider Electric
When Schneider Electric acquired a number of businesses it was necessary to upgrade each of these new sites to use the Schneider SAP system. As each of these sites is an exporter Schneider chose GTA Net to provide a central export management platform, interfaced with SAP to avoid re-keying data.
Each site has its own “Account” enabling them to see only their own export shipments in GTA. To simplify implementation and management, eGTA is hosted and fully managed by SGS

Thatchers Cider
When Thatchers cider products are shipped from warehouse to warehouse in the UK and the EU they are shipped in duty suspension. In 2011 Thatchers selected SGS eGTA On-Demand service to simplify the submission which they need to make to HMRC.
SGS have many more customers who enjoy the benefits of our services.