SGS e-Customs Hrvatska nudi tvrtkama jedinstvenu uslugu provoza i više od toga putem carinskog sustava TransitNet.

TransitNet je univerzalna, multimodalna, e-carinska, tranzitna garancijska usluga u kojoj SGS predstavlja nositelja postupka (HoP) prema carini u ime svojih klijenata (prijevoznika, posrednika, špeditera i sličnih), omogućujući svojim klijentima izradu tranzitnih deklaracija i podnošenje istih s financijskom garancijom u korist carine prema bilo kojoj carini u kojoj je SGS nositelj usluge. TransitNet je sigurna, višejezična, web-bazirana platforma koja bilježi, kontrolira i nadzire provozne deklaracije, dozvoljavajući svim korisnicima praćenje deklaracija do završetka usluge.
SGS TransitNet pruža kompletnu carinsku uslugu koja pokriva sve potrebne carinske zahtjeve uključujući zajedničko osiguranje, GMVS, EXS i ENS. SGS e-Customs putem svog inovativnog carinskog sustava TransitNet-a također nudi mogućnost podnošenja izvoznih deklaracija. Izvozne deklaracije dostupne su za sve vrste prijevoza, uključujući cestovni, morski i zračni. Uz sve to, nudimo širok raspon carinskih usluga kao što su CHED, UK izvoz/uvoz i mnogo više. Provjerite sve SGS e-Customs usluge.

Naš tim

Mi smo tim carinskih stručnjaka koji su tu da vam pomognu oko svih vašim tranzitnih potreba i zahtjeva. Naš tim vam je na raspolaganju za bilo koji upit..

Brendan Brady

Customs Services Sales & Key Account Manager

Carol McCormack

Client Support Officer

Nick Maguire

Client Support Officer

Karolina Slekiene

Client Support Officer

SGS Adriatica d.o.o.

Karlovačaka cesta 4i
Zagreb 10020
t: +385 (0)15599327

SGS e-Customs usluge u Hrvatskoj

Imamo niz usluga dostupnih u velikom broju zemalja. Naše usluge nude jednostavnost našim klijentima, jer su pristupačne za korištenje i pouzdano ćemo im pomoći u bilo kojem pogledu tijekom procesa.

Mreža TranzitNet-a omogućuje vam otvaranje provoznih dokumenata pokrivenih SGS jamstvima u 25 europskih zemalja, uključujući Irsku ,Veliku Britaniju, Francusku i Nizozemsku. SGS je ovlašteni pošiljatelj u tim zemljama kao i mnogim drugima, nudeći odobrenim klijentima mogućnost provoza pojednostavljenim postupkom.

Preuzmite priručnik kako bi saznali više.

TransitNet e-Customs transit and guarantee services

TransitNet je povezan sa britanskim sustavom kretanja robe i vozila, što bi značilo da nakon što je provoz podnesen i obrađen u lokalnom NCTS sustavu, carinske deklaracije su automatski registrirane u GVMS-u, i Referenca kretanja robe (GMR) će biti dodijeljena putem TransitNet-a.

Za sve kamione koji ulaze u EU putem Francuske i Irske, posebna ICS/ENS deklaracija je potrebna za podnošenje Francuskom i Irskom ICS sustavu. TransitNet je razvio vezu između oba ICS sustava, omogućujući podnošenje provoza u NCTS sustavu i ICS/ENS sustavu jednim klikom.

Britanski kopneni most je ključna pristupna ruta za tvrtke koje izvoze i uvoze između Irskog otoka i kontinentalne Europe te ostaje najbrža i najefikasnija ruta. SGS i britanski Eurotunel nastoje pružiti složeno i sveobuhvatno rješenje jednostavnim za tvrtke koje koriste britanski kopneni most. Izvoznici, prijevoznici i uvoznici mogu biti opušteni znajući da SGS i Eurotunel pružaju cijeli niz usluga pokrića putovanja i osiguravaju da roba stigne na odredište bez kašnjenja. Korisnička podrška je dostupna 24/7.

Preuzmite priručnik kako bi saznali više.

Brexit je činjenica. Od 1. Siječnja 2021., carinske deklaracije moraju biti ispunjene za sve pošiljke između GB i EU. Ova nova obveza stvara dodatne rizike, troškove i kašnjenja za vašu tvrtku. Mi smo jedini carinski partner koji Vam je potreban za pretvorbu Brexita iz slabosti u prednost.

Od 1.listopada 2021. Kamioni koji putuju kopnenim putem iz GB pod carinskom deklaracijom iz Irske, trebati će EXS ( sažetu izvoznu deklaraciju) podnesenu britanskom carinskom sustavu. SGS e-Carina pruža EXS deklaracije kako bi ispunila ove nove zahtjeve. EXS je također potreban za prazne palete, kontejnere I vozila koja se kreću pod transportnim ugovorom u EU.

TransitNet je trenutno povezan sa 25 carinskih sustava. To uključuje 23 NCTS zemlje, Moldaviju i Bjelorusiju u EuroAzijskoj ekonomskoj uniji, što pruža našim klijentima pristup u 40 odredišnih zemalja, uključujući Bjelorusiju, Rusiju, Kazahstan i Kirgistan. TransitNet se konstantno širi i unaprjeđuje kako bi zadovoljio sve potrebe naših klijenata.

TransitNet je univerzalna, multimodalna, e-carinska, tranzitna garancijska usluga u kojoj SGS predstavlja nositelja postupka (HoP) prema carini u ime svojih klijenata ( prijevoznika, posrednika, špeditera i sličnih), omogućujući svojim klijentima izradu tranzitnih deklaracija i podnošenje istih sa financijskom garancijom u korist carine prema bilo kojoj carini u kojoj je SGS nositelj usluge. TransitNet je sigurna, višejezična, web-bazirana platforma koja bilježi kontrolira i nadzire provozne deklaracije, dozvoljavajući svim korisnicima praćenje deklaracija do završetka usluge.


Preuzmite priručnik kako bi saznali više.


SGS TransitNet klijenti mogu podnesti provozne deklaracije iz 24 države NCTS-a te iz Bjelorusije prema drugim državama EAEU režima, uključujući Bjelorusiju, Rusiju, Kazahstan, Kirgistan.

Klijenti SGS TransitNeta mogu koristiti 24/7 podršku za sva pitanja povezana s njihovim provoznim deklaracijama. Naš tim od preko 200 carinskih stručnjaka je dostupan za rješavanje problema i savjetovanje.

SGS također omogućuje pojednostavljivanje raznih carinskih postupaka u mnogim zamljama, što osigurava bolji logistički protok robe.

Sve provozne deklaracije napravljene putem TransitNet-a se podnose putem vlastitih SGS carinskih jamstava u skladu sa carinskim teritorijalnim propisima.


Putem TransitNet-a svake godine kreće oko milijun operacija iz 25 država, uključujući 24 države korisnika NCTS-a i Moldavije. TransitNet također nudi usluge izvoza iz Švicarske i Irske. SGS-ove posredničke usluge trenutno su dostupne I u Velikoj Britaniji, Nizozemskoj i Belgiji.
image/svg+xml Transit Transit, Export/Import Transit, Export


Putem TransitNet-a svake godine kreće oko milijun operacija iz 25 država, uključujući 23 države korisnika NCTS-a,te Moldavija i Bjelorusija, koje su članice EuroAzijske ekonomske unije. TransitNet također nudi usluge izvoza iz Švicarske i Irske. SGS-ove posredničke usluge trenutno su dostupne I u Velikoj Britaniji, Nizozemskoj i Belgiji.
image/svg+xml Transit Transit, brokerage Transit, export

SGS e-Customs references

Cjelovita rješenja za nastavak vašeg poslovanja

Kontaktirajte nas kako bi otkrili kako možemo pomoći da se lakše i učinkovitije snalazite u carinskom svijetu.

SGS e-Customs news – Ireland

Stay up to date with our latest news and events.

Great Britain: Safety and Security requirements – EXS

The introduction of Safety and Security requirements for the movement goods out and into Great Britain for many scenarios had been postponed from the 1st January 2021. The next few months will see the implementation of these Safety and Security requirements.

EXS requirements

Most exports will have safety and security requirements met with the customs export declaration which contains safety and security information. This is sometimes referred to as a combined export declaration.

When Safety and Security requirements have not been met by means of a combined export declaration, an EXS is required when: –

  • an empty pallet, container or vehicle is being moved under a transport contract
  • goods have remained in temporary storage for more than 14 days
  • goods have remained in temporary storage for less than 14 days, but the import safety and security declaration details are unknown, or the destination or consignee has changed
  • goods are moved under transit using either a transit accompanying document (TAD) or a transit security accompanying document (TSAD)

The requirement for EXS had been postponed in the scenarios –

  • empty pallets, containers and vehicles being moved under a transport contract to the EU (and to other countries for which a pre-departure declaration was not required before 31 December 2020), and;
  • goods in RoRo vehicles where there would otherwise be a requirement for an EXS. This will include, for example, transit movements using RoRo.

From the 1st October 2021, an EXS will now be required for the two scenarios mentioned above.

From a transit point of view, it means that EXS will be required for;

  • Transits (TAD/TSAD) which have started outside GB and which will travel through GB on the way to their destination (in the EU and onwards), e.g., Ireland via GB to France under T2
  • Transits (TAD/TSAD) which have started in GB but were not preceded by a “combined export”*


*this scenario will be extremely rare


SGS e-Customs service


SGS e-Customs will provide a full EXS service covering all the scenarios where EXS will be needed including for goods travelling under transit and for empty pallets, containers and vehicles moved under a transport contract.


For more information, please contact your local client centre or use the Contact us form to get in touch.


Important note: for T2 transits crossing the UK land bridge, an EORI number for the consignor is mandatory. The UK EXS system will support the use of EU EORI numbers.

SGS announces new e-Customs partnership with Eurotunnel

SGS are pleased to announce the recent partnership with Eurotunnel to ensure that customers using SGS TransitNet can be ‘green-routed’ upon entry to France.


The UK Landbridge is a vital access route for companies who export and import between Ireland and continental Europe and remains the most efficient route. SGS and Eurotunnel have come together to create a ‘UK Landbridge Package’ which seeks to provide an easy solution for companies looking to use the UK Landbridge.

Exporters, transporters and importers can relax in the knowledge that SGS and Eurotunnel can provide a full range of services to cover the journey and ensure that the goods reach their destination without delay. On-site customer support is also available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week at Eurotunnel.

The UK Landbridge is especially important for companies involved in the movement of fish, meat and any goods that are subject to sanitary or phytosanitary control. It is vital for these companies that these goods reach their destination as quickly as possible. Any delay to the delivery for these types of goods can have a damaging effect on the quality of the product. The ‘UK Landbridge Package’ provides all the necessary customs declarations and entries, while at the same time offers companies peace of mind that the procedures for their shipments will be handled correctly, so that their journey can be made as smoothly as possible.

The UK Landbridge remains the most efficient way of transporting goods between the island of Ireland and continental Europe. There are 12 sailings per day between Ireland and Great Britain and a departure every ten minutes between Great Britain and France Eurotunnel.

SGS are delighted to be partnering with Eurotunnel to provide this unique service to SGS TransitNet users, Eurotunnel pride themselves on providing a high quality service for helping traders move their goods throughout Europe 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Whether it’s a one-off trip or part of a larger, more frequent freight delivery, managing your bookings couldn’t be simpler. With easy to access terminals, up to six departures per hour and an average crossing time of only 35 minutes via the Channel Tunnel, the complexity has been well and truly removed.

Additionally, the Eurotunnel Border Pass shares information needed for border crossings between the transporter and Eurotunnel and between Eurotunnel and the border authorities thus ensuring that the authorities are ready for the arrival of a particular shipment and all the necessary documentation is in place. It is secure and digitized without the need for the driver to leave the vehicle or present any documents on arrival at the border.

To find out how you can avail of this service contact today.


Download the brochure for more information:

Return to the UK Landbridge

January 2021 saw a reduction in the volumes of traffic using the UK landbridge. As new Brexit Regulations were a major concern for traders, warehouses were stockpiled to allow for any potential bottlenecks and with the increasing number of COVID infections across Europe, the feeling among businesses in Ireland was that direct routes were safer with less disruption than travelling via the UK.


Three months on and a steady flow of traffic back to the landbridge is becoming more evident. Warehouse stockpiles have been depleted, COVID infection rates are slowing and customs officials, businesses and brokers have a better understanding of the new world of Brexit requirements and customs paperwork. The landbridge is again a very accessible option for hauliers and businesses wanting to access the EU from Ireland through the UK. According to EU statistics almost 15,000 transit declarations were registered in and out of Ireland during the month of March. This is a significant increase from January and February’s volumes which totalled 18,000 collectively. Indications are that transiting across the UK is a more efficient and cost-effective means of accessing the EU. At SGS, we are fast establishing ourselves as the trusted partner for facilitating transit movements for Irish businesses.


Tom Ferris, consultant economist, has written widely on Brexit and transport. He is of the view that the “pendulum will swing back to the use of the landbridge by Irish traders, but not to the same extent as was evident up to 31st December 2020. It is a matter of traders adapting to the changed circumstances and ensuring that they are fully conversant with the customs and administrative requirements of a post-Brexit world”.


One of the benefits offered by the landbridge is superior transit times. According to the IMDO Report “The Implications of Brexit on the Use of the Landbridge”, 12th November 2018 “The landbridge is the quickest way to transport freight to and from the continent each year; it takes less than 20 hours, compared to the 40-hour roll-on roll-off direct sea route and the 60-hour load-on load-off direct sea route. These times have changed with the advent of new routes however, transiting from Ireland to Rotterdam or Calais across the landbridge is still a much quicker option than using the direct ferries. When preparation times and delivery locations are taken into consideration the landbridge can also be a much more economical option”.


While direct ferries have provided hauliers and businesses with alternative options to access the EU, the unknown of Brexit-related customs processes has not been as stressful as many had feared. The landbridge is as accessible as ever in both directions allowing businesses to keep their cargo moving faster and more regularly without the fear of weather delays, cancelations or waiting for available slots. This position is supported by many of our clients:


With some preparation and support from the SGS TransitNet team, each stage of the journey can be made smoother by using TransitNet. Our customs experts will ensure that you are supported from the preparation of your journey right through to termination. We will advise on what the requirements are depending on the nature of the goods you are moving and will ensure that these requirements are met prior to departure.


For more information please download full article below:

SGS e-Customs news – Ireland

Stay up to date with our latest news and events.
Pioneering Hybrid Customs Declarations Solution Launched

Pioneering Hybrid Customs Declarations Solution Launched

Save time and reduce complexity with a new hybrid solution, aligned with our hybrid eCustoms strategy, which enables clients to effortlessly request customs support to manage their declarations.

ENS mandatory in Great Britain from the 31st January 2025

Since the UK left the European Union back in 2021, there has been a waiver on the requirement to provide Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) for goods entering Great Britain.

Flexible, Low-Cost Solutions to Ensure New ENS Declaration Compliance

SGS’s range of tailored and hybrid solutions make the process of clearing goods at UK ports quicker and easier. Find out more.

Kontakt informacije

Za sve upite, pošaljite nam mail putem obrasca u nastavku.

SGS Adriatica d.o.o.
Karlovačaka cesta 4i
Zagreb 10020

t: +385 (0)15599327

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