You can save money on the cost of customs services by making your own import declarations by using declaration software, knowledge, and someone to call when you run into problems.
Maco Customs Connect (MCC)
SGS e-Customs offers the complete package you need. Our Maco Customs Connect (MCC) declaration software has been specially developed by our software specialists and customs brokers to quickly and easily create correct customs declarations. Our customs brokers also use MCC themselves and give feedback to the software team every day, to make the software even better. Smart solutions such as templates, recurring data storage, and built-in control tools ensure that you can work quickly and prevent errors. SGS e-Customs distinguishes itself from traditional software suppliers by the fact that we are also a customs service provider. We also provide support when you need it, and you can contact our free help desk with technical questions and customs-related problems. If required, we will complete the declaration together with you. In peak periods or times when many of your staff are on leave, our customs brokers can immediately respond to ensure that all your declarations are completed on time. If you want to save even more, MCC is easy to integrate with your existing software solutions, so that the data for the import declarations are partially or completely filled in automatically.
Our way of working
We help you to identify the customs declarations that you need to draw up and see if you already have the knowledge in-house to do so. We provide training sessions in the use of MCC and offer additional customs-related training if necessary. We ensure that you are granted permission by customs to create your own declarations. We will also draw up the templates together with you, so that you can work quickly and prevent errors.

SGS e-Customs by the numbers

Transit declarations per year

Export declarations in the Netherlands, Belgium and UK per year

Countries covered

Satisfied clients