Türkiye to join NCTS 5 on 17th November 2024
Turkish customs have announced their timeline to transition to NCTS 5 system.
On the 17th November at 00:00 Turkish time (22:00 CET on the 16th November), customs will close the old NCTS 4 system and it will not be possible to submit new declarations.
The NCTS system will be unavailable for between 8-10 hours.
Turkish customs will make an announcement on when the new NCTS 5 system will be activated – it is expected to be activated at some time between 8:00 and 10:00 Turkish time (06:00 and 08:00 CET) on the morning of the 17th November.
NCTS 5 format will be activated in TransitNet from just after 00:00 Turkish time on the 17th November (22:00 CET on the 16th November) to allow users to prepare drafts for submission when the new system is activated.
SGS will inform all clients when the new NCTS 5 system is activated by Turkish customs.
In case of any questions, contact your client centre.